Wednesday, April 11, 2012

What goes in, must come out......  Boy is this true!  Why I am posting this is for the next person who is going to react the way I did and get right "online" for the information that I wanted.

Last week, my #4 decided to EAT a penny.  First lesson learned "DO NOT GO AT YOUR SON TO GET SOMETHING OUT OF HIS MOUTH... HE WILL PULL AWAY AND ACCIDENTLY SWALLOW IT!" 

After swallowing the penny, here is how I reacted in 2 minutes time... called 911, then hung up when they said they would send an ambulance to then call my doctor and why on hold, stuck my finger down his throat to make him puke.  He puked up breakfast and NOT the penny.  This caused him to cry and then his brother to cry because he was scared!!!  Then I decided to take a deep breath and call..... my doctor, a nurse, my friend, then another friend, go online to see what info was list, make a doctors appt, drive to the appt but then call another friend who is a nurse in the parking lot where she told me not to worry... that what goes in, must come out!

So the comedy doesn't stop there.  First poop, he decided to take alone while I was making dinner to then have me run upstairs when I heard the toilet flush....  What did you do?  I went poop. Where is the poop?  I flushed it! 

A night of no sleep thinking my son was going to die... I am THAT mom....

No poop the next day but the following morning, decided to poop while we were out at a birthday party.  I had to then (stop reading if you want!)... catch the poop with toilet paper... what an interesting 3 minutes of smushing toilet paper.  Reed had NO CLUE what I was doing.... No penny!

Next day, another day of no poop and then finally a morning poop that INCLUDED THE PENNY!


So here is why I am writing this... mom's out there.... your child swallows a penny.  It will be OK!  Just an interesting few days!!!!  GOOD LUCK!

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